Monday, March 16, 2009

MARCH MADNE$$: How (not) to pick your bracket

I keep telling myself I'm going to start writing on here again. I've got about 3 other posts that I've started writing, but haven't had the attention span to finish yet. Those are all going on the back burner, because my second favorite season (after football season) is upon us.... MARCH MADNE$!!!!

For 11 months out of the year, I do not give a damn about college basketball. If a game is on and I'm at a sports bar, I'll look to see what teams are playing, but beyond that, I just don't care. Even when I was in college (Ohio University) and we had a good team one year, I only got into it when I was at games, or when we were making our play at the big dance my junior year.

I can't really explain it, but something about March Madness just draws me in. I love getting caught up in it. I love spending a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, drinking a few beers, getting way too into games I'd otherwise care nothing about. I love throwing down $20 here and $10 there for various pools. And most of all... I love filling out brackets. As someone who admittedly knows very little about (read: NOTHING) college basketball... I'm going to break down the bracket anyway....

Here's a look at my thought process as I fill out a bracket. (disclaimer: Do NOT take my advice on this) I also tend to fill out multiple brackets in different (yet similarly random) manners in order to "hedge my bets" if you will. Click the picture to make it bigger.

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