Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

On the Browns and the Cavs... I can't promise any of this is coherent.
  • I don't get the Browns... I'm no longer going to even pretend to. I'm just going to hope "good team" shows up each week and not "bad team"
  • I care about the Cavs at about 3 points during the year: (the season is waaaaayyyy too long for me to follow at other points)
  1. When they come to New York or New Jersey and/or I am going to the game
  2. Once the playoff start
  3. Tonight. So we can avenge the playoffs last year.
  • Z is one gangly white guy
  • Shaun Rogers. BEAST. He's up for defensive MVP this week and well deserved. I would not want to cross him. In a dark alley or otherwise. Especially if I was a small animal. He might eat me in one bite.
  • The Celtics may have knocked us out of the playoffs last year. But does their scoreboard shoot fire? I think not!
  • Seriously... what did the Browns do differently last week and against the Giants?
Eat their Wheaties? Down a can of spinach Popeye style before the game?

Drink some Redbull (Phil Dawson gives you wiiiiiinnnnnngggggggsssssss)

I guess we'll never know.

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